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Dmitry Norenko, CEO upSWOT

Dmitry Norenko, CEO upSWOT

Founded in January 2019, Upswot technology serves dozens of financial institutions helping them to build loyalty and grow engagement among their SMB clients.


The platform is a white-labeled portal deployed into customers’ private cloud and connected with the online banking application. Using an approach similar to Plaid, SMBs connect their data for continuous, API-enabled access to QuickBooks, Xero, Salesforce, and 120+ other business critical SaaS applications.

Data is aggregated in real-time and thousands of signals are analyzed to help SMBs better understand the health of their businesses via interactive dashboards.

On the back-end, Upswot surfaces meaningful data for relationship managers to upsell the right products and services while building more meaningful and longer-lasting relationships. The Tony Shap Show: Tony Shap The Tony Shap Show: Tony Shap

Contact Tony at 818-584-1964